Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Minutes 10.22.08

Today's meeting was a further sharing/discussion of the investigation into the VOID space. Since two weeks ago, I have been researching cities that share the urban condition of erasure, but did not arrive at that moment due to natural disaster. Chicago has shown remarkable similarity in an end condition, yet with totally different causal factors.

Ultimately, it seems as though Katrina and resulting flooding was not what created the current condition of crisis, but rather was a tool to unearth the existing economic/racial/spatial problems in the city.

The next step involves organizing the research to date, and creating an authored version of the geo-political timeline(s) leading up to today's situation.

(Then we went to the map room): Ashley and I will scan the appropriate documents, and have them ready for overlay/interpretation as part of the next step in the process.

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